LAUNCH X431 4 Keys Set IMMO Programming Tools work with X431 PAD V/ IMMO ELITE

Usage scenario:
Method of using super chips
1. Enter the menu [Set type of super chip] to generate.

2. Select the corresponding key chip type and insert the super chip into the anti-theft induction coil.

3. Once successfully generated, it can be used.

Method of using the LE Volkswagen and LE Ford super remotes:
1. Enter the [Vehicle Remote] menu and select the corresponding available super remote to generate.

2. Select the corresponding key and place the super remote key in to generate.

3. After the remote control is successfully generated, enter the [Set type of super chip] menu to generate the corresponding key chip.
Method of using LS Nissan super remote:
1. Enter the [Vehicle Remote] menu and select the corresponding smart key model to generate.

2. Place the smart remote key in the programmer to generate.