Xtool X100 C IMMO Programmer PIN Code Reader Diagnostic Scanner For Ford/Mazda

X-100 C for iOS and Android
TheX-100 C is a perfect on-board IMMO programmer tool that sp eci alized build for Fo-rd, M-azda, Peug-eot and Citr-oen.
*Vehicle Compatibility:X-100 C works with four brand cars, they arefor F-ord,for Ma-zda,for Pe-ugeot and for Ci-troen.
*Bluetooth auto-reconnection: Once the Bluetooth is paired, you don’t need to input the code to pair with your phone anymore. The device will reconnect with your phone automatically.
*Connection: Connection via Bluetooth (Android and IOS)
*Free update: Download latest iOBD2 App with new features from Google Play or Apple Store.
X100C is a dongle used to read PIN CODE and do IMMO programming via OBD2 socket with your cell phone. It supports for Ford, for Mazda, for Peugeot, for Citroen and for DS.
It is user friendly and with Multilanguage.
It can read Pin code for following models, but not limited to following models.
X100C is a dongle used to read PIN CODE and do IMMO programming via OBD2 socket with your cell phone.